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中欧体育zoty下载 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:中欧体育zoty下载 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2013-10-08
The following to how to use the correlation function of the third party blog, the blog brand maintenance, the typical steps of the construction of the external links.

Choose the blog platform, to create a blog

Search engine optimization if the blog for the construction of the external links, should first choose the blog platform, and publishing blog posts qualifications, is to register and create a blog. The platform is fire, popularity is also very popular, search engine optimization should choose and their web sites related theme, the potential audience site selling products is consistent blogging platform.

在人气选择方面,如果要选择访问量比较大以及知名度较高的博客平台,可以借助Alexa排名做一哥大概比较,网站的Alexa排名可以到www.alexa.com www.lnixs.com进行查询:
In the choice of popularity, if we choose to visit quantity is large and well-known blog platform, can use the Alexa rankings do a website about comparison, Alexa rankings to www.alexa.com www.lnixs.com query:

新浪的网站创建于1998年09月16日到现在已经15年21天了,新浪的一天的独立IP大概在2358万人,这个访问量的28.9%就是新浪博客的独立IP量: 23586000*0.289=6816354
Sina website founded in 1998 09 months 16 days up to now has been 15 years and 21 days, Sina day independent IP in about 23580000 people, the independent IP 28.9% of the traffic is Sina blog: 23586000*0.289=6816354

That is to say, Sina blog system, a day of independent IP is about 6810000.

Through this method, can probably determine the total number of Web sites, on the other hand, for a professional blog site, you should consider the traffic should also consider its influence in the field, the influence of higher site, higher credibility of the blog content, it has the vital significance to establish the blog brand and has a clear demand of users.

Determine the blog audience, making blog construction goal

Before starting to enter a specific blog, need to clear the blog set goals, and determine the construction of blog target.

Here on the blog construction, refers to the establishment of professional blogging platform, use blog website, or the website of the product or brand. The electronic commerce website blog marketing real is to rely on the original, professional content to attract potential buyers (or client), to train a group of loyal blog reader, reading groups in the establishment of trust, authority, forming the blog brand, then influence the reader's thinking and purchase decision.

In the development of blog construction goal, should be a clear objective, is through the blog influence the user purchase behavior? Is laying the groundwork for their flat brand promotion? Or simply for the website construction of the external links service? Only when the first to determine their own goals, subsequent blog writing, direct traffic, construction of the external links back to some rewards.

The details, it should be roughly determined in blog writing personnel plan, select each person writing field, blog post release cycle, because the blog writing content have great flexibility and randomness, so blog construction plan is not a strict "marketing article release schedule", a reference to it from a longer period to evaluate blog construction work.

⒊ 博客文章的写作与坚持更新
The blog article writing and adhere to update

After determining the blog construction goal, can proceed to the blog article writing. When a blog post, after ready, you need to step on the blog in the construction plans to start continuous updates.

In the blog writing, in fact, and the content of the website construction is similar, content construction method described in the previous sections of reference book can, choose a good title, content, a clear structure, layout, excellent, will own blog article writing, do good enough.

在博客更新方面,无论一个人还是一个博客团队,要发挥博客 长期价值,就需要坚持不解的写作,博客偶尔发表几篇新闻或者文字是不足已达到博客建设的目的的。
In terms of the renewal of the blog, regardless of a person or a team blog, the blog will play a long-term value, need to keep writing, blog and occasionally published several articles news or text is shortage has reached blog construction purposes.

On the other hand, regular, stable to update the blog, also can even to grab the reader's attention, grasp the latest trends, micro blog brand building more power.

⒋ 博客文章中的外部链接技巧
The blog article's external links skills

After starting to update the blog, do not rush to external links construction, generally have to wait the blog has certain popularity, after the search engine has included, to consider when blog update, add some external links, blog posts in the external links, should according to the judgment standard, the excellent external links properly, reasonably appear, such as the first paragraph a anchor text keywords external links, text appeared in two or three an auxiliary keywords as the anchor text of external links, is a website called the anchor text links to the end.

Of note, these keywords as the anchor text of external links are added to stop every blog post, don't let each article the whole blog has the ambition of external links to a web site, should be appropriate to some links to other web sites, or Capricorn is not external links, but the text recommended is also very good.

The blog page external links

To update the blog after a period of time, with a certain amount of access, search engines have included some after buying can be considered in the blog page appropriate increase in the number of external links.

In many blog system at present, offer "links" function, search engine optimization can check the function of the construction of external links, is to optimize the site links, and does not need to do this blog website external links carton.

⒍ 将博客建设与其他资源相结合
The blog construction and other resources combined

Blog though search engine optimization is suitable for general for external links, but does not represent the blog should be independent, instead did not repair the blog construction will make use of other resources, to achieve a better blog construction effect.

In general, the content and the website blog content of the combination, and other similar blog exchange links, add, establishing a blog circles, find similar blog for more, are a good blog construction resource combination.

⒎ 对博客建设的效果进行评估
To evaluate the effect of the construction of the blog

As with other methods of search engine optimization, blog construction effect is necessary for tracking, and according to the problems of continuous improvement, improvement. In order to let the blog to play more of a role. Effect evaluation method for the construction of the blog, no complete evaluation mode, but with the help of visits the most commonly used network access statistics for the blog, flow and generally that blog, also can use access statistics system Web site, to see the blog external links to bring traffic to the site.

还可以借助一些外部链接查询工具,查询博客的外部链接是否对网站优化产生效果,比如GOOGLE 网站管理员工具中的外部链接报告。雅虎外部链接查询等。
You can also use some external links query tool, query blog external links have effect on the site optimization, such as the GOOGLE webmaster tools in the external links report. External links query Yahoo.

Generally speaking, the blog of the construction procedure is relatively simple, any search engine optimization can be used, in the construction of the external links, search engine optimization should have one or several excellent blog, this can quickly get to the optimization of the website to obtain the high quality of the external links.
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