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中欧体育zoty下载 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:中欧体育zoty下载 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-11-19
Excellent website certainly represents the corporate image of excellence! Rather crudely made website how to make customers have confidence in the enterprise? Is to pay close attention to enterprise's website construction in new directions, set many years of experience in the construction site, for enterprises carefully constructed the most professional, most practical, with an international standard of digital platform.

Most of the initial construction site on the company website construction in Beijing and no deep understanding, especially small and medium enterprises, the initial construction site for the exploratory operation, and some simply a few pages of introduction only, website information, technical content is little, coupled with the design company order mixed beads, therefore, the website in the operation of the enterprises effect is not obvious. Of course, the enterprise website construction is a process that perfects ceaselessly, then, enterprise website update process should pay attention to what factors, can make your site to play a greater role?

1、网站内容(Website content)

浏览Internet,会发现,大多数中小企业网站栏目划分趋于一致:公司简介、产品/服务介绍、联系方式等,在版式设计上也基本上是上下分栏、左右分栏等方式,不会利用富于企业特点的图形或文字装饰网站,网站设计没有个性,如果说这样的网站没有取得预期的效果并不为怪。这似乎成了一种模式,迈淘 可以以此为模板套在大多数企业的网站中,这相对而言还不重要,网站的内容安排才更重要。举例而言:网站在介绍产品或服务的时候,是否站在客户的角度去介绍了呢?客户会关心产品什么内容?产品或服务介绍在多大程度上能够打消客户的疑问?网站内容是否有亲和力,能够迅速拉近与客户的距离?我们说,企业建立自己的网站,除了宣传自己、展示自己,更重要的是如何为企业带来利润,通过网站,使更多的潜在客户变成实在的客户!因此,迈淘网络建议打算重新建设网站的企业仔细考虑网站内容的安排,同时客户有权利向设计公司咨询,他们有义务解释客户的各种疑问,协助客户重新对网站进行规划。
Browse for the Internet, can discover, the majority of small and medium enterprises website column partition tends to be consistent: company profile, product / service, contact, in the format design is basically are the upper and lower columns, columns, about, will not use the full enterprise features graphics or text decoration website, website design no personality, if say this site has not achieved the expected effect is not to blame. It seems to be a model, to Amoy can use this as a template set in most enterprise website, this relatively less important, website content arrangement is more important. For example : the website introduced a product or service when, whether from the perspective of customer to introduced? Customer care products what contents? Products or services introduced to what extent can eliminate customer questions? Website content have affinity, can rapidly closer and closer to our customers? We say, enterprises to establish their own web site, in addition to promote themselves, show themselves, more important is how to bring the profit for the enterprise, through the website, the more potential customers into real customers! Therefore, a proposed plan to Amoy network construction site enterprises consider website content arrangement, while customers have the right to design advisory company, they have the obligation to explain a variety of customer questions, to help customers to the website planning.

2、技术问题(Technical problems)

First it should be noted that, we do not encourage enterprises in their website increase technology content. In fact, the most important is the technique used in the extent to achieve the desired function or site to function need what kind of technology to achieve more economical. We in the business and contact, often encountered such a situation: sites were used in advanced technology, of course, are a big investment, but in fact the function realized through other way, very low input can be achieved! But the enterprise does not understand these. There is no need for us to explore the design quality, we want to explain is the enterprise on its own website construction must try to know more information, do some comparison, at the same time to carefully review their submitted site design. Website construction is not a simple task, how to stand in the angle of the enterprise to plan, build a practical site, input and website function matching technology, needs of customers and design company or professionals to explore.

3、设计问题(Design problems)

应该说,设计问题是目前国内网站存在的普遍的问题,体现在网站结构、用色、栏目划分等等,在中港鸿 版式设计上也基本上是上下分栏、左右分栏等方式,网站不会利用富于企业特点的图形或文字进行装饰,网站设计没有个性。因此,仔细选择一个有设计实力的公司,是重新设计网站时很重要的工作。
Should say, the design problem is the current site is the most common problem, reflected in the structure of the site, use of color, column partition and so on, in the Hong Kong Hong format design is basically are the upper and lower columns, columns, about, will not use the full website business characteristics of the graphics or text decoration, web design no personality. Therefore, carefully select a design strength of the company, is to redesign the site is a very important job.

A website design is successful or not is with the user experience of great help. If your website design gives a visual disorder effect, then, you fail. Anyone, including Baidu search engines are very like simple page.
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