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中欧体育zoty下载 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:中欧体育zoty下载 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-16
网站制作公司中欧体育zoty下载 中国:现在的用户普遍耐心不足, 他们不会根据你的导航一个一个的点下去, 从而找他们所要的东西,除非他想要的东西很容易的通过导航就可以找到。在这样的情况下,只要在一个内容不算少的网站中, 搜索系统都会显的极其重要, 因为大部分用户都会通过搜索来找到他们想要 的内容。当你的用户访问你的网站时,搜索不到他想要的东西时,沮丧之余他唯一做的一件事就是关闭你的网站, 然后给它打上网站不好用的标签, 或许以后这个用户就不会再来访问你的网站了。
Web site production company Chinese Luxuries: users are now generally insufficient patient, they are not according to your navigation to a point down, to find out what they want, unless he wants something easily through the navigation can be found. In this case, as in a content not less website, search system will be significant important, because most users will search through to find the content they want. When your users when they visit your site, not to search for what he wants, frustrated by the only thing he do is close your website, then gives it on the website and not with the label, perhaps later this user will visit your site.

一、搜索组件应该明显,容易让用户找到 用户为什么访问你的网站, 绝大部分是因为用户认为你的网站有他们感兴趣的内容才来 的。当一个有明确目标的用户进来时,一般情况下他有两种方式来选择他所需要的内容。一 是导航,二是搜索。一般全局导航在网站上都是在网站顶端。那搜索组件呢?虽然他并不一 定要在网站的顶端,但它至少也要让用户方便的找到它。假如你放在一个很隐蔽的地方,试 想一下若你是访问这个网站用户, 你是否会因为这个隐藏的搜索组件而诅咒这个把搜索摆放 在这的设计者呢?
The search component should be obvious, easy for users to find why the user visits your site, the majority is because the users think your site have their content of interest to the. When a clear target users came in, he normally there are two ways to choose what he need content. A navigation, two is the search. General global navigation on the web are in the websites of the top. The search component? Although he is not a must in the site of the top, but it should at least let users easily find it. If you put it in a hidden place, try to think about if you are visiting this site, you will because of this hidden search component and cursed the search in the designer?

二、搜索组件的设计应该方便用户操作 搜索组件,一般情况下有三个元素:标签,搜索框,搜索按钮。现在互联网已经不是什么新奇玩意儿了, 用户都知道有个搜索框放那就是搜索功能, 所以很多网站也就不再设置标 签告诉用户这是搜索了。 更有一些网站直接就一个搜索框, 框内放一个放大镜图标告诉用户, 这就是搜索系统。其实这样做并不好,你应该提供给用户鼠标和回车键两种操作方式。在我 们开始做产品时,就被告知,设计一个产品要把用户当成小白来对待,设计的东西越傻瓜越 好,因为越傻瓜的东西,用户用起来才会觉得更好用。所以多设置一个搜索按钮,对用户来 说不但没有阻碍,反而有利于用户使用。即使因为这个按钮破坏了你所认为的美观,也是值得的。
The search component design should be convenient for users to search for components, generally have three elements: label, search box, search button. Now the Internet has no novelty, users know there is a search box that is the search function, so a lot of sites will no longer set tag tells the user it is search. Some sites directly from a search box, box to put a magnifying glass icon to tell an user, this is a search system. In fact, it is not good, you should be provided to the user mouse and enter the two mode of operation. I began to do products, it was told that, the design of a product to the user as a white to treat, to design something more fool is good, because the more fool things, the user use will feel better. So setting a search button, the user can not only block, it is beneficial to users. Even if this button destroy what you think is beautiful, it is worth.

三、搜索框的设计应该具有便利性 当你害怕用户不知道该怎么使用搜索系统时, 你需要在你的搜索框里加入索引, 如请输 入关键字。 当用户点击你的搜索框时这些字就需要自动消失了, 否则用户还要清除你所设置 的索引才能操作。 当焦点在搜索框时最好将搜索框的边线加上显眼的颜色以告知用户, 你现 在是处在搜索框区域中。 当用户输入字符时最好给他加入一个清除小功能, 这就可以方便用 户想更换搜索内容时快速清除搜索框内的内容。
Search box design should have the convenience when you are afraid of users do not know how to use the search system, you need in your search box to join index, such as please enter keyword. When the user clicks on your search box when it needs to go away, otherwise the user will purge you the set index to operation. When the focus is on the search box will be the best search box to the sideline with conspicuous color to inform a user, are you in the search box area. When the user to enter characters better give him join a clearance of small function, which can be convenient for users to replace the search content rapid removal of the search box contents.

四、如果有可能,请根据用户的选择匹配相关内容方便用户进行准确搜索 用户在搜索内容时, 很有可能忘记自己想要的东西的关键字是哪些了, 当他尝试进行搜 索时输入某个字符时, 你的搜索系统出现一个下拉列表, 里面是根据他上面所输入的关键字 所进行匹配的搜索提示,这是一个多么让人兴奋的功能啊。
If possible, please according to the user's chosen to match the related content is convenient for users to carry out accurate search users search for content, are likely to forget the things you want keywords which, when he tried to search the input a character, you search system to appear in a drop-down list, which is based on the he is the input keyword matching search tips, this is a very exciting function.

五、不要在一开始就给用户提供高级搜索 或许你想让用户更准确更方便的找到他想要的东西, 因此你给他提供一个高级搜索。 其 实现在的用户是比较懒的, 他并不愿意去使用你的高级搜索, 他只需要一个搜索框和一个搜 索按钮。 假如你对你的内容分的很细, 并在搜索框旁边提供给他网站内容分类的选择也是可 以的,但千万要注意,默认分类一定要是“全部”。用户现在使用搜索已经很频繁了,在他 们的记忆中,只需要输入关键字就可以得到所要的结果,这时你只提供分类搜索,而不提供 全站搜索,用户就会有怨言了。(其实用户进入这个网站大部分是为了要下载东西的, 但没想到直接搜索出来的结果竟然是资讯)
Do not start to provide users with advanced search you might want to allow the user to more accurately and more easily find what he wants, so you give him an advanced search. The realization of the user is lazy, he is not willing to use your advanced search, he just needs a search box and a search button. If your content is very fine, and in the search box next to his web content classification selection also can, but be careful, must be " all default classification ". Users now use the search is very frequent, in their memory, only need input keywords can get the results, then you can only provide classification search, without providing search, users will have a complaint. ( in fact, most users enter the site to download things, but did not think of the direct search results is actually information )

六、请为用户提供结果的二次筛选功能当你的网站内容很多, 且有可能相同的关键字搜索出来的结果是在不同分类下, 或者是一个购物网站时你就需要提供一个筛选功能了。 一般情况下, 用户在搜索时都会对内容进行 二次筛选,尤其是购物网站、求职网站。倘若你不提供一个筛选功能,用户只能一个个找下去,虽然不至于像八年抗战那样,但用户的体验肯定是很糟糕的。但如果你给用户提供一个 筛选功能,如:价格区间,品牌,销量等,我想用户是会感谢你的,毕竟这样用户能够很方 便的找到他想要的东西。(每当使用国美商城的搜索功能时,我都想问候他们的产品设计人员)
Please provide the results of a two screening function when the content of your site, and may have the same keyword search results are in different categories, or is a shopping site, you will need to provide a screening function. In general, the user searches will be on the content of two screening, especially shopping website, job site. If you do not provide a screening function, users can only one by one to find it, though not like eight years of war, but the user experience is certainly very bad. But if you give users a screening function, such as: the price, brand, sales, I would like users will thank you, after all, so users can easily find what he wants. ( when using Gome store search function, I would like to greet their product design )

七、如果有可能,请给用户提供拼写检查工具用户是会犯错的,当用户在搜索时输错了关键字时,可能就搜索不到他想要的东西了,客户搜索的时候生成新的页面有利于SEO网站优化。 如果你为他提供一个拼写检查工具,当用户犯错时,提供给他一个正确的搜索关键字,我想用户一定会感谢你的。否则,用户就只能重新对他的内容进检查修正了。
If possible, please provide the spelling tool users make mistakes, when the user when searching the wrong keywords, may not find what he wants, customer search when to generate a new page for SEO website optimization. If you offer him a spelling check tool, when the user makes a mistake, give him a proper search keyword, I would like users will thank you. Otherwise, the user would have to check on his content fixed.

八、搜索结果不要在一页显示过多条数 当你的网站信息量大时, 我想用户搜索出来的结果数目肯定是比较大的。 但我们是否就 要全在一页给他显示完呢?还是一页给他显示一堆, 让他滚动个好几屏再翻页呢?如果你这 样做,我想你会得到一片骂声。在搜索结果页,最好别显示太多,用户可不希望滚动条一直 拉不到底。一般情况下,显示两屏的搜索结果给用户就行了。给用户一个预期,可以让用户 更乐意的去查找他想要的东西。用户的耐心有限,对于一个需要很久去完成的东西,最终用 户的选择将是放弃。 就像为什么现在的注册填写页都这么简单了, 就是因为用户的耐心有限, 即使要用户填一堆东西,也是分步填写。通过引导性的告诉用户,你还有几步就完成了,这 样用户心里有个预期,继续填下去的动力就会有,反之,放弃率是非常高的。
Search results are not in a page showing too much number when your website a large amount of information, I want the user search results must be relatively large number of. But whether we will all in one page show him over? Or a page show him a pile of, let him roll a good few screen then flip? If you do this, I think you will get a masheng. In the search results page, best not to show too much, the user may not want scroll bar has been pulling the end. In general, the two screen shows the search results to the user on the line. Give the user an expected, allows users to more willing to go to find what he wants. The user's patience is limited, for a long time to complete the things required, end users will be the choice to give up. Like why are registered to fill pages are so simple, because the user 's patience is limited, even if the user to fill out a bunch of things, is step by step to fill in. Through the guidance of telling the user, you have a few step is completed, the user could have expected, continue to fill the going will have, instead, the abandon rate is very high.

九、高亮显示搜索的关键字 当用户搜索的是你网站中的文章内容时, 搜索结果最好高亮显示用户搜索的关键字, 这 样比较方便用户对搜索结果进行浏览,筛选出他认为有用的内容进行浏览。
Display search keyword when users search your website content, search results highlight the best user search keyword, this kind of comparison is convenient for users to browse search results, screening out he found useful content browsing.

十、搜索不到结果时请告诉用户解决方法 用户在搜索时很可能所输入的关键字是你网站内容中没有的, 在用户出错时, 用户希望 得到的是解决方法,而不只是告诉他你错了。
Search results not to tell the user when user search in the solution is likely to enter a keyword is the content on your site without, in user error, the user wishes to get solutions, not just tell him you're wrong.
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