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来源:中欧体育zoty下载 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-15
北京网站建设公司中欧体育zoty下载 中国:当你身边每三个人中,就有一个人是经常性上网的人口时,你该如何抓住他的心?跨界平台的营销新世代,人心更难测,到底消费者在想什么?紧抓五大诀窍,让你轻松打开消费者心中的营销大门!
Beijing website construction company luxuries China: when you are around one in three people, a person is often the Internet population, how do you grasp his heart? Cross-border platform marketing a new generation, people more dangerous, what consumers think? To five secrets, allows you to easily open the hearts of consumers marketing gate!

Cross media platform, TV, network, mobile phone all become one family

From narrow to a personal wireless broadband, from PC online to mobile phone Internet, consumer demand change rapidly, cross media into the mainstream, the era of the E marketing must first understand " the company advantages and disadvantages ", can better, consolidate the core audience, while the development of new customers.

Mobile phone, as the new platform that can not be ignored. There are two reasons: first, because the mobile phone in the global popularity rate higher than the computer, and secondly, mobile phone is a personal tool, Turner International Asia Pacific ( CNN ) Greater China area vice president Chen Yongguang said, people everywhere with a mobile phone, which is the most direct and personal communication, mobile phone with you. " Time, than your wife! " Jia Jun Peng was " artificial ": 800 network marketing personnel manufacturing

Secondly, the network is still nots allow to ignore marketing emphasis. Commuters may day 8 ~ 10 hours of sitting in front of a computer, the Internet is another pipeline will reach consumers, network with mobile phone can effectively capture the viewer's eye.

Break their marketing field, cross-border integration to create the maximum benefit. Digital era, not content to be digitized, thinking to digital, over the past few decades, people have been accustomed to specialization in marketing, an activity is split into a number of units, such as A, B part belongs to the advertising part belongs to public relations.

But now the media become more and more fuzzy, Ogilvy interactive marketing director Zhang Zhihao said, " planning activities must have crossover concept, " each one must put on a variety of platforms to be integrated, in addition to the traditional TV advertising and propaganda, network and mobile phone voice, video, text, pictures are considered together, " fine, accurate, short " digital content not only conforms to the crossover concept, also can capture the heart of consumer.

Community to bring enormous business opportunities, virtual goods became the focus of marketing

You know virtual goods in network community of the new type of marketing? Virtual gadgets can not only make a lot of money, but the brand image directly to customers!

" Estee Lauder makeup brand " through the well-known community website " love apartment ", giving users with Estee Lauder virtual furniture; Hua Yuan food " wave " potato chips, is to create the virtual small cute doll interact with the netizen, both because of the virtual product, brand image will be deeply rooted in people's mind, and then drive a physical product sales. Marketing "the country surrounds a city " strategy: attack the real enemy

Community website high viscosity bring enormous business opportunities, its power even more than the entrance site! " The love apartment house " and its partners is conquered millions of cross-strait three lonely men and women heart. The love apartment house manager Lin Zhiming thinks, through multimedia presentations, can be in the network virtual life habit, into the enterprise brand image, more so that users love it.

However, water can carry a boat capsize, Lin Zhiming also warned: " community marketing must not offend you. " Virtual interactive foundation, established in the netizen wants to build relationships, sharing preferences, seek recognition of basic needs, while the network to share the concept, so that consumers can exchange experiences, by peer used or lived through the experience, strengthen the acceptance behavior, achieve the effect of word of mouth marketing.

From Me to We group in new era. Information industry MIC market intelligence center senior industry analyst Zhou Wenqing said, there are many network Me, link together into We, " users to communicate with each other to generate messages, swarm intelligence, but also through the community members to each other 's identity, to meet the personal sense of belonging.

Use keyword marketing, money effect

From 2006 onwards, the search engine has become the most often performed activities, a variety of " application " software vendors such as bamboo shoots in spring and after coming out, shows the key marketing is important, if you do not know this wave of Marketing craze, be eliminated by the times!

Key words: marketing not only in the network, the advertisement and the leaflets are good keywords marketing pipeline, HSBC through television advertising and media synchronization words, to achieve cross-platform synergy. "Simple and direct, consistent with the nature of business, " HSBC marketing department senior vice president Lin Huiling said. " Uh-huh " network marketing strategy: " find " to customers through accurate " simple and beneficial " word, clinging to the consumer demand, make the consumer to watch TV network search, as under the cheapest for consumers to live, this allows the HSBC five weeks to reach annual sales target.

The new 4P- products, price, and delivery pathway, teach orally.

Every marketing people know 4P is very important, but you know that network marketing a new era of 4P? E marketing people to throw away the old head, senior industry analyst Zhou Wenqing with a new way of thinking, to share the new 4P:Product, Price, Place, Promotion.

In the Product product strategy part, to think of virtual and real shelves are each provided with what product, boost each other. While the Price price strategy, E channel profit model has been different, from free, cheap, diverse prices start, attracting online users.

The Place distribution strategy is to because of cash flow information in the network gradually, the transaction to message exchange place of real money exchange, while the logistics tends to " home " or super pickups. Promotion promotion strategy is the emergence of keyword advertising, banner, e-mail, and teach orally viral marketing. Search engine marketing: grasp the needs of pulse recognition search value

New 4C- customer experience, customer relationship, everyone is a broadcasting station, a new power.

In addition to the new 4P, also has a new 4C, CustomerExperience customer experience, enterprises have established their own websites, and via dynamic webpage design showing the high quality visual effect, strengthen the brand image. Customer relationship through the forum or blog CustomerRelationship by enterprises

Operating directly, because there is no marketing pipeline can be like network, so a full range of interactive. Network marketing: the era of the Web2.0 enterprise portal road in He Fang?

Communication communication becomes cross-platform communication, and E era, everyone is playing ability, marketing must be I as intermediaries, the establishment of an effective two-way communication. Community community is following the entrance site and search engine, an important new force.

Multimedia platform for businesses and consumers to link more closely. Multi channel marketing focus and consumer interaction process, if marketing properly, can achieve high efficiency of viral marketing, but if not be angry consumers, negative news also spreads like a virus.

Website marketing website optimization seventeen codes

1. 网页标题是整个网站优化的重点,永远不要放过网页的title,你应该将每次网站优化的开始放在这里,网页标题是你整个页面内容的中心,可以是你选择的关键字,也可以是你网页内容的概括,对于关键字应该选择靠前是你明智的选择,比如:你网页的内容是围绕旅游,那么你标题选择可以是旅游**,像旅游介绍,旅游咨询,旅游门票,这些的话对你旅游关键字优化会很有帮助。标题应该和你网页内容相符合,最好在你选择关键字的时候要注意这一点,切忌所有标题都使用网站主关键字。记住以内容为主,建议做成UEO营销型网站建设
The title is the webpage website optimization of the key, don't ever let webpage title, you should turn every website optimization start here, webpage caption is your entire page content center, can you choose is the keyword, and can also be your webpage content is wraparound, for the keywords should select top is your wise select, for example: your webpage content is centered around tourism, then you title selection can be tourism * *, like tourism, tourist information, travel tickets, these words to you tour keyword optimization will be of great help. The title should be and your webpage content match, the best in your choice of keywords in the time to pay attention to this point, not all headers are using the web master key. Remember to content, suggest to make UEO marketing website.

2. 不要在title,deion,keyword里写太多东西,越是贪婪,得到的就越少,有的朋友喜欢将deion,keyword里面使用同样的内容,这样是不可取的,搜索引擎不喜欢重复的内容。keyword使用多个相关关键字的组合比较好,或者使用你选择的多个关键字放在这里,关键字一般保持3个是最好的,最多不要超过4个,太多的话对搜索引擎并不是很友好,搜索引擎对标题的索引字数一般为30个汉字以内,对deion中的汉字一般索引在120个汉字以内,所以一定要注意适度,而deion里面最好是包涵关键字的概括性内容。目前百度降低了deion里的权重,而谷歌则还是很偏爱。对于网站优化的朋友来说还是很重要,千万不能放过。
Not in the title, deion, keyword write too much, the more greedy, the less you get, some friends like deion, keyword use the same content, this is not desirable, search engines don't like duplicate content. Keyword uses multiple related keyword combination is better, or use your choice of keywords placed here, keyword generally maintain 3 is the best, a maximum of not more than 4, too much for the search engines are not very friendly, search engine index to topic word number is usually 30 Chinese characters. On the Chinese characters in deion, general index in the 120 Chinese characters, so attention must be moderate, and deion is the best inclusion keywords summarizing content. At present, baidu reduces deion weights, and Google is still very preference. For the website optimization of a friend is very important, don't let go.

3. 网页的头部和底部是很重要的,对于搜索引擎来说,头部就是手雷,底部就是闪光,尽量的将关键字加到里面,可以实现关键字的前后呼应。头部内容一般包含网站的导航,使用列表比较好,同时可以很好的起到网站地图的作用。头部包含关键字可以实现搜索引擎对其的权重,主要体现在二个方面:首先搜索引擎会认为头部包含的内容在整个网页中非常的重要,其次根据蜘蛛爬行的跳出率,每个网页的检索时间会很短,头部内容会优先被抓取。网页底部内容也可以实现网站地图功能,可以更好的回到重要页面。
Webpage of the head and bottom are very important, to search engine, the head is the grenade, the bottom is flash, try to add key word inside, can achieve a keyword and response. Head content consists generally of website navigation, use the list is quite good, and can play a good role in site map. The head contains keywords can realize the search engine on its weight, mainly reflected in two aspects: the first is a search engine that will head contains content throughout the webpage is very important, secondly according to the spider bounce rate, each webpage retrieval time is short, the content will be given gripping head. Webpage bottom content can also achieve site map function, can better back to main page.

4. 一把好枪决定你的生死,是稳定的M4,还是彪悍的AK,这个都是需要你自己选择,那么,一个好的关键字,也是需要你认真选择的,不要选的太宽,太宽你做不赢门户,和大网站相比你永远处于没落低谷。也不要选的太窄,太窄就算做到第一了,也没多少流量。因为整个世界就那么几个人会搜索到。目前网站优化中好的关键字选择工具有百度的指数,相关搜索,和百度竞价中的关键字提醒,另外还有百度的火爆地带。对于谷歌关键字工具主要有谷歌关键字工具,谷歌相关搜索。只有其他的,像雅虎,搜狗,LIVE也有些好的工具。但是关键是看你的个人习惯。通常情况下,我就比较喜欢使用谷歌关键字工具和百度竞价中的关键字提醒。工具太多的话会很乱,不要每天都在选择!
A good gun determine whether you live or die, is stable in the M4 or AK, tough, this is your own choice, then, a good keyword, and you need to carefully selected, do not do too wide, too wide you do not win the portal, and a large site compared with you forever in the decline of trough. Do not choose too narrow, too narrow if do first, no number rate of flow. Because the world is so few people able to search. The present site optimization of good keyword selector tool have Baidu Index, search, and Baidu bid keywords remind, in addition to Baidu hot strip. For Google keyword tool mainly Google keyword tool, Google search. The only other, like Yahoo!, search, LIVE also some good tools. But the key is to look at your personal habits. Normally, I would like to use Google keyword tool and Baidu bid keywords remind. Tools, too many words will be very messy, not every day in the selection!

5. 记得有钱就买防弹衣,做SEO也是一样,至少要有点东西护体,就算你做垃圾站,也请至少在视觉上像个正规站,不要一进去就内衣,性用品广告满天飞,就算不被K,用户也会鄙视你。网站首页是你整个店面的开始,清晰友好是你的第一选择,太多广告的话会降低你网站的质量,试想一个网站,一打开就是浮动广告,背投广告等等,你会怎么评价。所以结构一定要清晰!
Remember that money to buy a bulletproof vest, doing SEO is the same, at least to have something to protect them, even if you do rubbish to stand, please at least visually like a normal station, don't go in lingerie, sexual things advertisement exist everywhere, even if not by K, the user will despise you. Home is the beginning of your store, clear friendly is your first choice, too much advertising words will reduce your web site quality, imagine a web site, opened is the floating advertising, display advertising and so on, what would you say. So the structure must be clear!

6. 不要去在乎所谓的关键词密度,只要你的密度不超过50%,当然你提供的内容是符合的,不要刻意的堆积关键字,或许你一时能排的很靠前,但是你得到的惩罚也相应的靠近了你,要记住你的内容要对于你的用户来说是重要的,不可缺少的,适当的加入些关键词在页面里,只是更好的提醒搜索引擎。
Don't go to care about the so-called keyword density, as long as your density not exceeding 50%, of course you provide the content is consistent with, do not deliberately stuffing, perhaps you can temporarily row before, but you get the punishment and the corresponding close to you, it is important to remember that your content to your user, indispensable, the appropriate add some words on the page, just better remind search engine.

7. 流量很重要,你做SEO,就是为了流量,不要觉得不好意思,流量起来了,你的网站权重和可信度就会不断提高,多选择些热门内容可以很好的帮你带来用户群,只要流量不断的上升,之后就是你将你的库客户转化为目标消费者了。呵呵!
Discharge is very important, you do SEO, it is for discharge, do not feel shy, discharge rose, your website weight and credibility will continue to improve, more choice of some popular content can be good to help you bring the user base, as long as the flow rate rising, then is your library customer into the target consumers. Ha-ha.

8. 广告的摆放,有点自己的特色,别人说300*300的好,你就用?先看看适不适合自己的网站,风格一致不?立足自己(不过300*300的GG广告的确是很好。。。。。。),对于你主要页面放点你网站特色的广告,不要太多。有些朋友,在一个页面就放很多的广告,每个板块上面都加上自己的广告,这样反而会降低质量,不仅对网站优化不好,而且会让你的网站太过杂乱,图片太多,会让你的消费用户眼花缭乱,只能让你的用户快速离开页面,网站在设计上尽量颜色不要太多,保持三中即可,颜色也不要反差太大,必要的需要时也是你需要让用户重视的东西。在颜色设计上面颜色的高色调一定要与你网站优化的主题相呼应。不要学潮流,要看你的网站是做什么的。现在很多朋友喜欢用韩国网页风格,使用高光部分的颜色,或许会让你的网站很有特色,但是不是所有的网站都希望实现一样的风格。对于企业而言更多的是严谨和专业。总之要适合你的面向的目标群体。
Advertising display, has its own characteristics, others say 300*300, you can use? First have a look is suitable to their own website, consistent style? Based on its own ( but 300*300 GG advertising is really good...... ) For the main page, you put your site characteristics of advertising, not too much. Some of my friends, in a page will put a lot of advertising, each plate is above all to add their own ads, so that it will reduce the quality, not only on the website optimization is not good, but will make your site is too complex, too many images, will let you see things in a blur of the consumer, only can let your users fast leave the page, website as far as possible in the design color is not too much, can not keep the third, color contrast is too big, need is you need to let the user attention. In the color design color high tone to your website optimization echoes the theme. Don't learn the trend, want to see your website is doing what. Now a lot of friends like Korean webpage style, using a high portion of the light color, may let your website is very distinctive, but not all websites are hoped to achieve the same style. Speaking of the enterprise is more rigorous and professional. In short to fit your face target groups.

9. 网站优化,外链是非常重要的,尽量去找,找不到PR5的,找个PR4的吧,如果连PR2的链接都找不到,朋友,那我就很怀疑你的人品和长相了。外链的增加有很多方式,我认为比较有效的还是友情链接,博客营销,论坛,问答系统(如贴吧),邮件营销,网站合作,社区等!其他的还有很多,像许多聊天工具等等。方法都是那些,关键要看谁做的更好,更有效果。提到外链不得不说下,外链的质量和数量,网上都说的很多,总的来说,还是质量占主要地位。前段时间,有个朋友优化网站的时候,我就告诉他,多增加点高质量的外链,会让你网站的PR得到很大的提高,就这样,朋友的网站在一个月时间,当然正好碰到谷歌大更新,pr就很快提升到3,而对于收录而言,其实并不是很多。当时这里主要包括网站结构很友好,网站内容没有重复,高质量的外链。
Website optimization, outside the chain is very important, as far as possible to find, can't find PR5, a PR4, if PR2 link can not find, friends, I wonder if your character and appearance. Outside the chain increase there are a lot of ways, I think that the more effective or links, blog, forum, question answering system ( such as the post bar ), email marketing, web collaboration, community etc.! There are many others, like many chat tools. Methods are those, the key depends on who is doing better, more effective. Mentioned outside the chain had to say, outside the chain of quality and quantity, online say a lot, in general, or the quality of the dominant. Some time ago, a friend of website optimization of time, I will tell him, extra high quality outside catenary, make your site PR has been greatly improved, thus, friends the website in a month's time, certainly happened to Google big update, PR soon increased to 3, while the for the record, in fact, not many. At that time very friendly here include website structure, website content without repetition, high quality outside chain.

10. 群发就相当于在自己基地丢烟雾弹,卡的要死不说,还看不到人,最后,死都不知道是怎么死的,搞不好还会被同伴鄙视,群发不要让你的用户,网站管理员和搜索引擎太反感,虽然大量增加外链数量很重要,但是炮弹丢的太多就要注意了,确定你是要以网站外链为主还是网站广告信息为主,不要又是广告又是链接,要是被盯上了你就会损失惨重。
Mass is equivalent to their base in throwing smoke bombs, the card of death does not say, still cannot see a person, finally, death all don't know how to die, do bad to still can be companion looked down, group hair don't let your users, webmasters and search engine too disgusted, although a large number of catenary outside increasing number of important, but shells lost too much to pay attention, you are sure to site outside the chain of Lord or website advertising information, not be advertising and link, if was eyeing you will loss.

11. 不要在QQ群发群邮件,很无聊,就算不被T,也得不到多少IP,目前QQ上面的广告贴子是到处都是,虽然有些群管理员禁止发广告贴,但是还是得不到控制。别想你会通过QQ能获得多大收效,毕竟和你的时间不成正比,当然你有很好的创意的话,或许有不一样的收获。
Don't be in QQ group send a group email, very boring, even if not by T, also cannot get number IP, at present QQ ad above post is everywhere, although some administrators banned send ad, but not to control. Don't think you will get through QQ would have much effect, after all, and your time is not proportional, of course you have very good ideas, perhaps a different harvest.

12. 大家都在说内容为王,的确如此,内容是你整个网站的灵魂,尤其是具有独特性的原创内容,不仅不友好与搜索引擎,而且不友好于用户。在做REACH认证,FDA认证,LFGB认证,ROHS认证,MSDS认证,PAHS认证等词经常有这种感觉。好的内容可以被更多的网友关注,可能的话还会增加更多的网络转载。那样的话你的流量会增加很多,而且对提高你网站有很大的帮助。如果你没有时间做内容,就改改转来的内容,不要一次采集个几万篇直接上,你试试一次吃20个包子,撑不撑?多花点时间,坚持经常更新。
Everyone in that content is king, indeed, you are the whole site spirit, especially the unique original content, not only friendly with the search engine, and not friendly to the user. In the REACH certification, FDA certification, LFGB certification, ROHS certification, MSDS certification, PAHS certification and other words often have this feeling. Good content can be more netizens pay close attention, and possibly more network reproduced. Then your traffic will increase a lot, but also to improve your website has a great help. If you have no time to do content, will change to content, not a collection of tens of thousands of direct, you try first to eat 20 steamed stuffed bun, can last? Spend a little more time, regular update.

13. SEO的确是不讨论图片和flash,不过要是图片和flash能够使你的网站增色,适当的还是用一用,不要整个网页就是颜色和文字组成,什么修饰都没有,那你玩CS的时候,直接不买枪,不买子弹,不买防弹衣试试?即使是这样,你也要注意做好每一步,该优化的部分还是不能放过。图片多增加alt描述,适当时候还可以使用name属性,至于flash可以使用html进行优化。那样就会收到很好的效果呢!
SEO does not discuss the image and flash, but if the pictures and flash can make your website hyperchromic, appropriate or use, not the entire webpage is the color and text, what modifications are not, then you CS when playing, not directly buy a gun, do not buy the bullet, not to buy a bulletproof vest to try? Even so, you should pay attention to every step, the optimization part still can't let go. The picture more appropriate time ALT description, you can also use the name property, the flash HTML can be used for optimization. That will receive the very good effect!

14. 要是不幸被百度K了,不要像死了全家一样到处骂,首先想想你自己的原因,自己网站结构改版,还是网站title,网页位置的改变,还是大量外链的不正常增加,总之很多方面的原因,要仔细分析。SEO网站优化这块要的就是细心,为什么别人做的好的,用心做的,根本不考虑SEO的可以有很好的搜录和排名,你天天想SEO,就肯定会忽视网站更加宝贵的东西:用户体验!
If unfortunately Baidu K, don't like dead family everywhere scold, first think about your own reason, their website structure revision, or website title webpage, change of position, or a large number of outside the chain of abnormal increase, in short a lot of reasons, be careful analysis. SEO website optimization this is carefully, why people do good, you do, don't give it SEO can have a very good search is recorded and ranking, you every day like SEO, will ignore the website more valuable things: user experience!

15. 搜索引擎竞价还是个好东西,至少可以让你什么事情都不做的就到第一页,当然,前提是要花钱。竞价排名不要随便乱用,在关键字添加的时候一定要细心参考,竞争对手,你所要实现的目的,不要想为了增加更多的访问量而选择竞争比较激烈的关键字,比如:旅游,虽然你的展示率和访问率会提高,但是你的经济损失和你的竞价转化率不会成正比的,那样就得不偿失了。
The competitive search engine was a good stuff, at least let you do nothing on the first page, of course, the premise is to spend money. PPC do not indiscriminate use, in the keyword must be careful when adding reference, your competitors, in order to achieve the purpose, do not want to add more visits and the choice of competitive keyword, such as: tourism, although your display rate and access rate will increase, but your economic loss and your bid will not directly proportional to the conversion, so the loss outweighs the gain. A.

16. 内容建设方面,不要你每天加新内容吧,至少2~3天加一点,就像CS 5VS5一样,至少你也要出去放两枪吧,躲在基地不出去的结果就是被自己人吞噬。不要为了增加新的内容而疯狂的采集,那样低质量的采集和你浪费时间差不多。重要的是你需要更新好的内容,实在没有的话,不防伪原创几篇吧。呵呵!
The content construction, don't you to add new content everyday, at least 2~3 days a little, like the CS 5VS5, at least you will go out to put two guns, hiding in the base not to go out is the result of being swallowed. In order not to add new content and crazy collection, that the low quality of the acquisition and you waste time. The important thing is that you need to update the content, it is not, not counterfeit original several. Ha-ha.

17. 软文是重要的,不会写软文,不会增加外链的SEO不是真正的SEO,当然,你也可以雇人写。总之好的软文最大的方面可以帮助你增加网络转载率,要是被站长网,艾瑞等些知名网站转载的话,那你就会收到惊喜般的效果。
Flexible language is important, won't write soft article, does not increase outside the chain of SEO is not the real SEO, of course, you can also employ a person to write. Anyway, good flexible language best ways can help you increase the network reprint rate, if be stationmaster net, such as Ai Rui some famous website reprinted, then you will receive a surprise effect.
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