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中欧体育zoty下载 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:中欧体育zoty下载 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-10
About URL structure general is divided into two parts, one is the physical structure, one is the logical structure. In the physical structure including flat structure and tree structure. Flat structure is of all the pages are web site is in the root directory this level, form a flat physical structure. It is suitable for small web site, because if too many files in the root directory of words, making and maintenance up more trouble.

And the significance of the tree structure is in a directory divided into a number of channels or say for a directory, and then again below belongs to the directory put this channel page, page, channel, the content of the page channel is trunk, branches, leaves relationship. Logic structure is formed by web page internal links the logic of the network chart or a link. Better is the logical structure and the tree of the front physical structure are identical with each other. The following is from SEO Angle talk about web URL:

一、URL长短问题(The length of the URL problem)

Based on the user experience for, I think whether it is professional SEO or ordinary browsing the user, the first in search engine address on the box enter a address, the inevitable will consider this URL is good to remember that if your URL is too long, so I estimate without a user will take the time to remember your site domain name, because bad record, now of the user is not take the time to remember, and too long URL, give a person looks both neither is beautiful, less convenient memory, also go against UEO. If you are short of, so the user can easily must remember, a brief note very pretty good.

二、URL目录层问题(URL directory layer of issues)

URL directory level problem is also SEOer consider mainly a factor, URL layer is calculated according to the distance, search engines usually use width first search methods to collect web page, that is, the search engines will be the first to collect the website homepage, and then see what are the links on the home page, and then to catch these links once, continue to catch the next layer of links. So, for a search engine, it on your home page link is the first layer of the link!

And through the first layer link to get to link is the second link, and so on. Have a lot of SEOer thought long and short URL is the level of URL fact not, above the idea has been told us, a web site directory and not see the depth is long and short URL, but from your website's first bite in, and to go through several mouth to get to the deepest part of the site, including through the mouth of your inventory level is, in general, had better not exceed 3 level directory layer.

三、静态化与动态化问题(Static and dynamic problems)

Web design in selecting a URL, it will consider this website significance, long and short, fundamental consideration after finished, is static URL problem, this is everybody CARES quite a ways. SEO suggest is that if you can with static URL, although now search engine to dynamic URL grab less so exhausting, but static URL can give search engines and the user an intuitive and beauty of the address.

Web URL is every web site administrator and users are very attention, URL's long and short, easy to remember and not good to remember that has meaning and meaningless, relationship of a web site to ba zhi can. Pay attention to the meaning of the web site administrator URL sex, and users to pay attention to the URL is a good memory, so and for search engines to, URL is a channel, the crossing the tong and not judge a web site is good and bad a primary standards.

The long and short URL is a consideration of the factors, while URL without meaning is also a convenient user memory of factor, for example ZhuWeiKun blog), he is to use his name to do QuanPin URL, such as long as people remember ZhuWeiKun will remember his URL address, and the city is 58, also be to use his brand to do the URL, there is baidu, and so on.

These are the convenient user memory, and do SEO still has an advantage. Chinese people like to remember some of the implications of things, whether a thing or a person, so take user psychology and browsing habits up do web URL optimization, this will matter to work times!

四、URL处理问题(URL processing problem)

First of all, need to pay attention to the length of the URL in the URL had better not exceed 3-5 key words, if more than five key words, the weight of the URL will be corresponding reduced. Second, as far as possible in the URL appears not to repeat. Finally, avoid by all means is in naming use. Exe and suffix as the end of the URL.
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