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中欧体育zoty下载 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:中欧体育zoty下载 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-02
With the rapid development and popularization of Internet network, SEO optimization competition intensified, have entered the promising before "revolution". As a web site SEO optimization personnel, we want to turn in the center of gravity of the optimization station optimization, the optimization of the content in the station and not limited in chains and contents to update, completes the UEO is the future direction of the optimization SEO effort. The so-called UEO namely user experience optimization, a user experience will be the ultimate site will often easier to obtain ranking.

In fact UEO relationship with SEO complement each other, SEO is responsible for the site keywords ranking will be pushed to the front of the search engine, but want to long hopes his web site in the search engine to stability, we need to be UEO. For we through the means of SEO can only push to the search engine's web site before two pages, even if a web site from the competition row to search engine on the front page. In fact this time search engine on your web site test is only just beginning. That these test what would, in fact, baidu statistics inside said very clear, your website's jump out rate ah, stay, customer loyalty, and so on and so on. But this is the test of a UEO web site.

If your web site use the keywords ranking SEO technology to push up, and the user experience is very bad. The somebody else will run, cannot solve the problem of users or is not attract the content of the users said. So this website natural search engine sense to all kinds of data analysis to it, regardless of your SEO means more than bad, how strong the chain. Are of no use.

In the author opinion, SEO and UEO is complementary relationship exists, SEO is search marketing the most fundamental and most cheap means and methods, now a lot of web site optimization personnel are all in the search engine rankings and SEO, completely ignored the importance of UEO, this is very not advisable.

Site UEO is based on the user and optimization of strategy, can effectively increase the website PV, reduce the rate of jump out, to increase product conversion rates. Listen to the voice more users, understand the needs of the users from the fundamental solution to the problem of users, such doing can make web site more in line with the user experience, more human, and can effectively enhance the website bonding degree.

SEO aspects of it all say terrible, and today is a good tell us about how to improve the UEO web site, so how to carry out the effective user experience optimization? In the following, the author gave you simple user experience of ascension to share a few methods for your reference:
Your website conform to your industry style characteristics

The website production is like your dress will be filled with his own character and style. But this character and style dress with your professional feature? Website is the same, your site is the--but with the use of the entertainment kind of style website templates, lost in the science and technology should be serious website rigorous style, I believe this web site users won't like. So, the website interface style must meet the characteristics of your industry. Above the first point and the second point is from the function to the customer like us. But even more important still is the third point.

The website's style and artists

If your visitor is mainly users like romance and fashion women, that your site theme color, and websites will meet the audience LOGO part of be fond of. The website will use of fashionable romance tonal some, such as pink or purple. Of course the artists whether high, the user is very like your website's style.

Website the practicability of

一个网站光好看也是没用的,对用户来说最重要的一点就是你网站要对它有价值。比如你网站有一些小的应用,比如你网站有功能可以转化 不同的字体,比如繁体字以及火星文等等,类似这种对用户有价值的东西,用户才会记住你的网站,这种用户的忠诚度和回访度就会高。这些数据是会被搜索引擎看在眼里的,只要这些数据不断的提升,你的排名你的权重也会不断的提升。
A website is useless light good-looking, for users the most important is your web site to it has value. For instance you website has a few little applications, such as the ability to your site into a different font, such as traditional Chinese characters and Mars, and so on, similar to the user anything of value, the user will remember your site, the customer loyalty and return degrees will be high. These data will be search engines to see in the eye, as long as these data constantly improve, your ranking your weight unceasingly will also ascension.

Excellent content is always the kingly way SEO

As is known to all, the website continuous updates original content will get the search engine's approval, no matter in included, or snapshots, or ranking can have a big ascension. Also, every time the update will also designated the customer like, for example, the author's website, can't update essays on every day, that I was in the inside pages built a network abstract, ensure the high quality of every day the update, so readers and spiders will not visual fatigue. Of course the content of the update is sure don't fake original or statements impassability, the sentence to out of the sentence, such content may deceive spiders, but users will immediately shut down web page, for no reason increased the rate of web site jumped out. To summarise is content to keep updated, content quality must be a good close.

To conclude, now pay attention of SEO too much, and talk about the UEO too little, this paper aims to communication, because for SEO and UEO understanding vary from person to person, but also because of website different, but in the end the core is the same, and that is UEO SEO and is the need to parallel, the two independent development are bad, and is always exist website operation process.
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